Sunday, December 14, 2008

November went by!

I was in Florida with my Mother and Ray for the last week of October.  I had a very special visit.  Ray and I had a date and went to a neat old hotel,  you can see the pictures in the file contained here.  I got so that whenever we went out, I took my camera because I would miss unique pictures without it. 


The first few pictures are of Cookie and I can’t remember what breed she is.  She was hysterically funny.  Ray and I were supposed to let her out because my new sister and her husband were gone for the day.  Ray took me over for the second visit so that I could see her.  She was excited to see me, but didn’t want to cooperate to go outside.  Ray asked me to grab her leash, which meant to her that we were going on the golf cart!  We weren’t going on the golf cart and she wasn’t going anywhere except for the golf cart!  I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!  She isn’t very tall, but you can’t make her do what you want her to do. 


I got home in time for Halloween.  I enjoyed giving out candy to the neighborhood kids.


Then came my birthday.  It was very weird.  Some birthdays are like that.  We had my sister in law with us for the week, as she was moving to El Salvador to do medical missions.  The next week I babysat my extra kids and came down with a cold from that.  It was a miserable cold.  I was in bed for nine days.  Then, it was Thanksgiving and we went to PA for a few days.  We had a good visit with Scott’s mom and dad.  We got home from that and November was over!  It was a weird month.  I’m glad most months are not like that one was.


I have missed writing on here, so hopefully December will go better!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Picasa Web Albums - Elaine - First Flight

The last time I took a flight, I was first suspecting that our Joel was on the way.  Joel just turned 19 in September!  I was so panicked to fly from St. Louis to San Jose, CA that I was almost as bad as B. A. on the A-Team!  If you remember that TV show, they drugged him every time they had to make a flight, which was almost every episode.  They drugged him with Novocain, if you’ve noticed the bottle Hannibal uses!  I would have needed something stronger than that!  Scott and I were on our way to my brother Andy’s wedding.  Scott looked up how much it would cost to do a sleeper with Amtrak and said no way.  If we were going to the wedding, I must fly.  So off we went.  We had to stop in Dallas, unfortunately it was raining and a mess.  I was the other mess.  Tears were streaming down my face.  I was relieved when another lady stood up and she was as much a mess as I was!  We did discover that I was okay as long as I was reading a book.  If I peeked my eyes up from the book, Scott would say “Get back to your book!”. 

I decided about five years ago, I think, that I needed to fly so that Scott and I would be able to travel when he retires.  I started to pray for the fear to go away.  Last year we thought we might get to fly to Portland, OR to see my brother and I told Scott he would have to book two flights because I was going with him.  He looked kind of skeptical, but I remained insistent about it.  Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get out there. 

Yesterday, my new brother in law said he needed to fly his plane to Daytona to get some fuel and asked if I wanted to go with him.  I said a quick prayer and felt that I was at last ready to fly and quickly responded “I would love to”.  Ray said he wanted to go too, so off we went. 

I didn’t have my camera with me on the first part of the flight, so I didn’t get any pictures of that part.  It was probably just as well because I would have been distracted with trying to get pictures.  I felt no fear at all and actually enjoyed myself looking around.  God has answered my prayers and delivered me from that awful fear! 

Here is the link for the pictures I took on the return flight.  Hope you enjoy them!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

up early

I wasn’t up as early as usual this morning, but I could see this gorgeous moon from my deck! The picture actually doesn’t do it justice!!!

I just added two pictures. One of Aaron and one of Susannah taken this morning. They will be going back to school next week so I won't see them for awhile.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, the Dr. called in a panic again.  My thyroid is still way too low.  I cut my medicine dose again and seem to have gone right into a tailspin!  In two days my thyroid started to ache and then the tiredness came.  I’m hoping this is going to be a short adjustment time. 


I’m going to Florida to visit with my Mom and Ray towards the end of October.  I always look forward to going to see them.  Daytona has a terrific flea market! 


This will be my last week for babysitting till the end of November.  I taught the kids how to make iris folding cards.  They did extremely well for their ages.  One day they watched movies all morning, so I decided that they needed some creative outlet for their brains.  I’m not sure how many cards they made all together, but they made quite a few.  I finally got my dining room table cleaned off from their efforts.  It took quite a bit of scraping to get all the tape off the edges of my table. 


Chloe just started growling, so I’d better close for now.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

what's that sound?

This morning on our walk I heard this amazing sound as Bear walked in our neighbor’s yard.  It was a crunch, crunch sound!  I looked and there were brown leaves in the grass.  I love the cooler weather, but I don’t like the fall time.  It is depressing for me.  I get that SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in the winter.  I have been better with it the last few years so I shouldn’t be dreading it, but I do.  I talk to myself about it and remind myself that it is not as bad as it used to be.  Last winter I walked the dogs and getting out everyday in the fresh air seemed to help me as well.  It was a crisp 58 degrees at 6:00 am.  I had my walking pants on, but wished I had my long sleeve shirt under my jacket.  I wish you all could hear Bear and Chloe after I ask them if they want to go for a walk?  It is so funny to hear and see.  Bear constantly whines and Chloe runs throughout the whole downstairs, around and around.  Bear will sit down to get his harness on, but Chloe is too excited to sit for the process.  It’s a challenge, needless to say.  We had a 30 minute walk this morning.  I am trying to get up to 45 minutes again, but my thyroid is giving me trouble.  I get my blood work done next week, so we’ll see what’s happening with that. 


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FW: Elaine57 sent you a video: "Hummingbird"

I couldn’t figure out how to post my first video so I posted it on youtube.  Follow the link and you should see it.

I found the video button on my camera and just pointed it at my hummingbird feeder.  I couldn’t see if I was capturing anything.  Imagine my surprise when I got a hummingbird visiting each station!  At the end you can hear my birds tweeting.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

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Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:47 AM
Subject: Elaine57 sent you a video: "Hummingbird"


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Monday, September 22, 2008

a few pictures


I’ve been busy getting my house clean so I haven’t posted for awhile.  I have had three weeks off from babysitting.  Next Monday I will be babysitting Aaron and Susannah as they will be tracked out for three weeks.  I have enjoyed the time off.  I’ve been getting up at 5:00 am and taking the dogs for a walk by 6.  It is still dark when we leave.  The temperature has dropped to the high 50’s or low 60’s.  It is so much nicer than the summer temperatures.  Scrubbing the house isn’t too exciting so I don’t have much to say.  I hope you like the pictures.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Murphy trip

Here is just a sample of the pictures I took while we were in Murphy, NC.  Mom and Ray rented a house on the top and side of a mountain near Murphy. 

Scott and I had a good trip out to Murphy.  We were going to leave early on Friday, but Scott’s work detained us till 4:30 in the afternoon.  Since we had to leave so late, we had to stay over night near Asheville

Saturday morning we arrived near 9:30 and then we went to the local flea market with Mom and Ray.  We wandered around looking at all the various booths and their merchandise.  It was weird, but Mom and I didn’t find anything to buy.  Scott found a wallet.  His was very worn! 

We went to a fabulous restaurant and got ribs.  I took a picture of the place and it is in the picture link.  I haven’t had that good of ribs in a long time. 

We stayed two nights with Mom and Ray.  I totally enjoyed sitting on the deck watching the ever changing scenery.  It was totally clear on Sunday morning and then a major fog rolled in.  It was so dense and it came in so fast.  There was a hummingbird feeder on the deck so I was able to get a few pictures of the hummingbirds.  None of those turned out very well, so I didn’t post those.  I may post more pictures later.  I didn’t want to overwhelm you with all 130 pictures I took.  I am enjoying my new camera!


Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5th

Today we are leaving for Murphy, NC.  We are going to visit Mom and Ray in their mountain retreat.  Pixie and Buttons are there as well, so we should be getting new pictures of the two of them. 


Keep watch for the new pictures I will be posting! 


Hopefully, the house will do well with Hanna!



Picasa Web Albums - Elaine - Labor Day weekend

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

I wonder why the day after Labor Day it always seems to get colder.  Even here in Raleigh, this morning was only 60 degrees instead of the summer 70’s and 80’s.  There was a little bite to the wind as well.  Bear, Chloe, and I took our morning walk and it was quite dark and chilly.  After our walk, I took the garbage and recycling to the road as it was trash day.  Then, I took my tea out to the deck to enjoy a little quiet before my day got going full swing.  I got goosebumps sitting there!  My hummingbirds were enjoying their feeders.  I will try to put up a picture of the hummingbird later.  I need to download the picture. 


Today was Jack’s first day of pre-school!  I’m hoping he does well. 


Hope you enjoyed your Labor Day!  I finished making my Thanksgiving cards, so I had a profitable day and had a lot of fun too!



Thursday, August 21, 2008


Scott has been studying to take his Project Management Certification for almost a year now.  He took the four hour long test yesterday morning and passed it.  It was a grueling test!  I am so proud of him for all his efforts.

Now he can go back to making his guitars.  They are truly beautiful!  He gets compliments often for their quality as well.





Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mom and Ray's dogs

My mother and Ray have two of the most precious dogs I have ever met. 


Pixie, I met when she was about eight weeks old and we have a special bond.  My mother can say “Elaine is coming” and she will perk up and start to watch for me.  The first night that I am visiting, she will keep getting up and coming to check to make sure that I am still there.  When I pull my suitcases back out, she gets sad. 


Buttons I just met a few years ago.  She has adopted me as well.  While I’m visiting, she constantly watches me.  A visitor went to shake my hand and she promptly growled at him.  She is terrified of storms and she decided she had to sit in my lap.  Unfortunately, Pixie thinks she needs my lap as well!


My life is full of pets that I love!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Bird Watching


I started my day early with a walk for the dogs.  Then, Jack came for the morning.  We went to Lowe’s and then to Wild Birds Unlimited.  My birds love their seed because it is so fresh.  I love to watch my birds.  Oftentimes, Duncan will watch with me.  Many people are irritated by the squirrels eating the bird seed, but I like to watch them as well.  They look so funny munching on bird seed.  My dogs love to chase them off the deck.  All I have to do is yell “squirrel” and they are both heading for the back door. 


I sent my camera with Julia to Germany so I am using Scott’s camera.  I don’t like it as well as mine.  Oh well, it does take pictures that I can post. 


Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The middling bunny day

You ask what is a middling bunny?  It is a bunny that is not small, but not fully grown.  I think I made that up myself, I’m not sure though.  This morning I walked my dogs for forty-five minutes.  During the first five minutes Chloe saw three middling bunnies.  I think she was trying to dislocate my shoulder!  Bear on the other hand, walks close to my heels when he sees a bunny.  He is my scaredy-boy!  People really ought to be careful with wandering animals instead of torturing them.  Bear wandered around for several months before he was found on someone’s doorstep.  He had his sister with him.  He is terribly frightened of most things.  He sounds ferocious when someone comes to our house, but he is actually just frightened.  Chloe wasn’t fed well so she will dump her food behind her bowl saving it for emergencies.  As you can tell, we did the dog rescue option when we went to find our new pets.  Our cats we got through our vet as we had an expensive experience with a kitten that we adopted.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting old?

Yesterday was my first born’s 27th birthday. I felt old for a few seconds till I realized that I am my parents first-born and I turned 50 in November! They must really feel old, tehe. It will be my turn so I won’t laugh too hard. I am supposed to be on a wheat free diet but yesterday was the big celebration. I had real bread rolls, stuffing, and some yummy chocolate cake! Today I woke up with a doozy of a headache. It has kept me miserable all day. I guess if I were a drinker, it would be a hangover headache. Julia is still in Germany, so we were short one child for the celebration. Jonathan was here, of course, and Rachel and Elisha, and Joel. Scott and Joel made lunch which was a turkey dinner. We love turkey dinners, so any excuse will do for one.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Brookgreen Gardens

I just returned home from visiting my Dad. He and Joan took me to Brookgreen Gardens. We had a good time, but we all sweat buckets because it must have been the hottest day of the summer so far. We went to the restaurant and had a great meal together. I had the Cobb Salad. Joan had the grill cheese sandwich and Dad had a turkey wrap. We all enjoyed the lunch and the cool temperature immensely. We were watched by a brown frog. He looked like he was muttering, probably about the heat although he was in the shade. This is my first try at blogging, so please be gracious about my efforts! Here are a few pictures that I took. Click on the link, it should work!