Tuesday, August 18, 2009

back to Murphy

Scott and I went out to Murphy again.  Mom

and Ray are out for their fall visit early.

We drove on Scott’s birthday.  It was

good to be alone for awhile.  We are

thinking of going out there for a week

just the two of us.  I think it will be good

for us.

This morning as Bear and Chloe and I

Walked, we saw raspberry snow.  It

Was quite amazing as it was 73 degrees out.

I told Mom and Ray I would write better

So here I am. 

I lost my camera for about a month, but it was

Just found.  I’m really excited to have it back.

I will try to take an interesting picture for

Everyone when I write again.

Ray and I took a morning walk together.

It was nothing like my Raleigh walk.

I think we would fare better if we were

Mountain goats!