Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

Mom and Ray bought us gift cards to go to Red Lobster, so we took the whole family over there for lunch.

 We had some good laughs and a serious discussion about whether God could resurrect a body that was cremated.  We decided nothing was too hard for God, so if you wanted cremated it would be okay!  How's that for a philosophical discussion?  We heard several different viewpoints and came to our conclusion.

 Our waitress was very attentive to our needs, which is good for the size crowd we were.

Afterwards, everyone went their own directions and Scott and I went in search of the counter top place.  We found it quite easily, but the return home was a little more challenging.  We had to turn around a time or two.  I decided to take pictures and not be worried that Scott didn't know where we were.  I had a lot of fun, but I was relieved to see the highway 70 and 50 sign!  I think I've really gotten into the picture taking thing.  I couldn't take our expensive camera, but my little one still did a pretty good job.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Picasa Web Albums - Elaine - Kitchen Remodel

Here it is Monday night.  Scott got everything put back together enough for me to work in the kitchen again.  Right now he is working on staining the new cabinet so it matches the rest of the kitchen.  We are going to e-mail the counter top guy tomorrow and get scheduled for that process to start. 

We went out to Chili's tonight as a respite from all the insanity.  It was nice being together and not thinking about the kitchen.

I took about 50 pictures, but I only posted 14.  Bear and Chloe are in here too.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Scott stepped through the kitchen floor about a month ago, so we decided our bonus money would have to go to repairing the kitchen.  He just pulled out the kitchen sink, counter top, and dishwasher to find out what was happening.  The dishwasher is the culprit.  It was leaking pretty badly.  I actually saw that it had been leaking when I got my new dishwasher put in.  Fortunately, the floor trusses are not damaged.  My kitchen has been torn apart since yesterday afternoon.  Scott is hoping to get it back together by tonight.  I took pictures but haven't gotten them to Picassa yet, so they will be in a later posting.  We have sawdust, drywall dust and regular dust all over the place combined with dried mold!  My nose has been running, I've been coughing and sneezing.  I will be glad when it is all put back together and I can get my house back under control.  We are going to pick new countertops next week sometime.  Then, we will pick our flooring and get a date set for that to happen.  It sure is a messy process!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a very nice Christmas.  Scott and I took a lot of pictures but I've downloaded just a few for your enjoyment.  I love it when the kids are all home.  We do so much laughing.  We had breakfast at 9:30 consisting of baked omelet, and Scott's famous cinnamin buns.  After kitchen clean-up, we opened our presents.  It was a riot when we gave the cats and dogs their gifts.  I only got a good picture of Bear with his toy.  Chloe snuck off with hers and tore it to shreds.  I still have white fluff all over my dining room that I will need to pick up.  After our turkey dinner, we cleaned up and then the kids went out to see Sherlock Holmes (movie).  I took a nap and after I got up the kids came back for pumpkin pie and crackers and cheese balls.  Now most of us are sitting and visiting and using our laptops!  We didn't watch the Grinch, so Joel and I are going to watch it after the rest of the kids go home.  The Grinch is a Christmas must for me!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

car registrations

We kept sending in Scott's car registration and trying to pay for it.  They said it hadn't been inspected, so we sent a copy of the passing inspection to them with the payment again.  We got a nasty note yesterday in the mail saying the car had not been inspected and we'd better do it.  Scott stayed at home to work, so he could go to the motor vehicles and deal with it on his lunch hour.  Julia gets home at lunch time and said she was pulled over because her cars inspection needed done and her registration was overdue.  Here, I had done Scott's car in July and they never sent us the sticker or the paperwork and I didn't notice.  I thought his car was the 1995 model and Julia's was 1996.  Here they are both 1995's and thus the confusion.  Now we have a $150 ticket!  and two cars that aren't up to date.  Scott will have to go in and get a duplicate car registration and another sticker.  Scott took Julia's car in to get inspected right after she got home and of course it failed.  He is going out tonight to try to get it fixed so she can finally get this resolved. 

It has not been a good day. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Picasa Web Albums - Elaine - The moon

The moon has always been a fascination for me. The Psalmist calls it "the faithful witness", I think that is a very good description of her. I usually view her from the early morning hours as I go to bed early and rise early. This morning it was raining cats and dogs and felt like 23 degrees so I didn't go on my morning walk. The rain doesn't usually stop me, but it was so cold and icey that I thought it might be dangerous. The dogs have extra energy and are on high alert because of their lessened activity!

Friday, December 18, 2009

cats - December 18.09

Having more fun with the camera!



We've had great weather here till today.  We are under a winter weather advisory.  I think it's going to stay mostly west of us.  I got Scott's new camera out and starting playing with it so here are some pictures.  I included one of Mandi Salgado, my new Dad's dog.  I've never gotten a good picture of Bear with my little cameras, so I was delighted to be able to see all of his face.  He just turned six in November.  Mom, I'm glad you will be able to see the pictures!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas is coming

I got signed up for a site called     I've been following her for probably about a year now.  I've lost track.  Well, in November she talked about getting your Christmas presents.  I finally got everyone's list and started buying.  Then at the beginning of December she started talking about wrapping them.  So, it's December 16th and I have all my presents bought and wrapped.  I also have all my Christmas cards made and sent.  I feel pretty organized!  It sure is a lot less stressful.  Now, I'm thinking about our Christmas breakfast menu and how to get that made ahead so Christmas morning can run smoother.

The Dr. always seems to want to revamp my thyroid medicine near Christmas.  I had to go on the synthetic medicine and just last week, she decided she had to double it.  I keep getting way too tired, so it is a real nuisance. 

Joel is doing better.  I took him to a neurologist a few weeks ago and he put him on some different medicines and he is finally perking up.  He's down to two migraines a day instead of five or six.  The two are more easily gotten rid of too.

The cats love Christmas.  As soon as we pull out the Christmas tree stuff, they start watching.  As soon as the tree is decorated there is a fight about who is going to sleep in the branches!  It is pretty funny to watch them climb out of it. 

Julia got a little netbook computer.  It is so cute.  I'm thinking I need one too because of my train trips.  It sure would be a lot easier to carry that with me! 

I love new gadgets!  I come by it naturally.  Some of my kids were born with it too!


Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a safe trip up here to Brookville, PA.  At noon, I got a call from Joel.  He had been having terrible headaches, so I sent him to the Dr.  The Dr. wanted Joel to go to the hospital to get a MRI on his head!  The rest of the way up here I was worrying that we would get to Mom's and have to turn around and go home.  The Dr. thought his brain might be bleeding!  About 15 minutes from our arrival, I got another call from Joel.  There was no bleeding, but there was evidence that he had had a concussion.  A couple of weeks ago, a box fell on his head at work.  So, he had gotten a concussion from that incident.  His headaches came on so suddenly and severely that they really worried me.  Dr. said he would have trouble for about another ten days.  Needless to say, I am grateful that he will be okay.  We are watching a snow storm head our way.  Not sure when we will head back.  We may be okay here because a lot of storms go north of here.  I took some pictures on our way here, but haven't downloaded them yet.  We got to Richmond and it was foggy and drizzly, it actually looked pretty to me.  We saw a lot of RV sales places and thought of Dad.  We managed to not miss any turns this trip.  I wrote the routes we take on two index cards and kept track of where we were.  Scott got his new camera and he took a lot of pictures.  Unfortunately, he took a bunch of me.  They will not get published anywhere or there will be a problem at the McNeill house!  Scott is laughing at my statement!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Best Friends

Hey everyone,

Rachel called me and said that my best friend from Missouri and her daughter were visiting Fort Bragg.  So, we took an hour and a half drive down there to see them.  We ended up spending the afternoon with them.  It was so much fun.  We hugged, and cried and then started talking like we had never left each other.  Friendship is a wonderful thing!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hey everyone,

I had a special birthday here with my Mom and Ray.  If you aren't on Facebook, you haven't seen that I had to make an emergency trip to FL.  Mom needed a heart cath on last Friday.  She did well, although it was difficult.  Saturday she was released.  Sunday we had to call 911 because Mom turned blue and was in great distress.  The Dr. decided it was a spasming artery.  She came home yesterday and was very good today, my birthday.  Ray went out and bought me a present, which is in the picture link.  It was a special birthday even though I'm away from home.  My kids all called me or texted me.  People on Facebook were giving me well wishes all day long.  I felt very loved and cared for, thus a special day!  I took a couple of pictures of the hospital.  It's an old historic site.  The tile work was very beautiful and even the tiled ceilings were amazing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

trip to Murrells Inlet

Scott and I went down to Murrells Inlet on Friday.  Dad and Joan arrived on Wednesday, so we wanted to see them.  Also, Scott had a project on the house that he wanted to finish. 

We had a good visit.  I told Joan my desire to start quilting.  She's worked on some, so she helped answer some of my questions.  She took me to a quilting store and we had a blast looking at all the fabric, tools, etc.  I had to smack my hand to keep me from buying too much stuff.  I ended up getting a small book that had patterns for some beautiful things.  Dad and Scott talked web pages and guy stuff.

Scott and I did our famous miss your road trick because we were talking and didn't see it!  We never seem to go the same way home because we get to talking.

We got home and Mike was visiting Julia, so I got a picture of the two of them. 

Last year we found a baby possum at our feeder, but we couldn't get a picture of him.  He came back yesterday and Scott went out and got pictures of him.  It's amazing that he's still alive since he's so stupid.  He just wandered across the deck rail and let Scott take his picture!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Oops, I forgot Day 6

Ray and Mom called me this afternoon. We were looking at my pictures online and I noticed that I had forgotten Saturday's wanderings (Day 6). Sorry this is out of order!

Scott and I wandered around for quite awhile. We were looking for Ruby Falls, but couldn't find it. At the end of our wanderings, we saw that it was in Chattanooga, TN so there was no way we were going to stumble onto it.

We stopped into the local Chamber of Commerce and talked with a nice lady there who gave us a lot of pamphlets with free things to do. We decided to do the River Walk. At first, it seemed a little more rustic than I would like but then it turned out to be very nice.

The riverbed was all different layers of stone. Scott picked up a stone that we brought home. It looks like gold pyrite. We wanted to have someone take our picture, but there was no one around. You should have heard the laughing going on. It was a miracle, but we did get a picture of ourselves.

We saw a praying mantis. Scott's camera was able to get a good close-up of him. I accidentally kicked a turtle over, but forgot to get his picture. I'm sure he had enough surprises for one day when I sent him rolling. It sounded like I kicked a tupperware bowl onto the sidewalk, that was the clue that I had done something.

There were places for picnicking that we stopped and took pictures from. It took us an hour and a half, but we didn't get all the way around because of all the picture taking opportunities.

The weather was perfect and we had a restful day together.

Posted By Elaine's View Point to Elaine's View Point at 10/05/2009 12:54:00 PM

Murphy and home

We had a gorgeous last night in Murphy and the morning was just as spectacular.  We got up early, packed and cleaned the house up.  We left the house at 8:15, but didn't leave town till 9:15.  Stopping to get gas and ice for the cooler and some large beef bones for the dogs, took an hour.  I'll have to take some pictures of the dogs today with their bones!

We were driving along the scenic part of 74 and I yelled "stop, stop, STOP"  Scott pulled over and said "What is it?"  I said there's some beautiful water down there.  I got up and stood by the rail and took pictures.  I looked over to see Scott climbing over the rail and down to the edge!  I couldn't see him for a few minutes so I got pictures of the signs at the overlook.  It was a little chilly with the mist from the water and the breeze that was blowing.  We've really gotten into the picture taking thing.  Scott is going to buy a good camera for his guitar selling processes, so we'll have a really good camera after awhile. 

Our trip home was uneventful.  Scott drove till lunch and I drove the rest of the way.  He was working on his work stuff.  This week is going to be stressful for him. 

The dogs were ecstatic that we were home.  Joel gave them baths an hour before we got home so they were damp when we arrived.



Saturday, October 3, 2009

Murphy Day 5

Yesterday (Day 5) like I said in Day 4 was not impressive like the other days.  Scott worked all day on his ECR.  I got a lot done on my afghan.  I did my blog, took a few pictures and watched Stargate on my laptop.

  It was cold and drizzly in the morning.  I bundled up and stood out under the covered porch and enjoyed the view.  My view that I have from home is five houses with their various assortments of dogs, plus all the birds that come to my feeders.  I enjoy my view at home, but this view is a lot more spectacular.

 We just had a squirrel walk across the deck railing.  He was the first one we've seen here.  He is scrawny.  My squirrels are nice, plump and healthy looking because they eat my bird seed.  I tried feeding them squirrel seed, but they wanted bird seed so that is what I feed them too.  The birds eat out of the squirrel feeders as well as their own, so I don't feel to upset by it.  My dogs get their exercise by chasing the squirrels so it all works out.

 The cat never returned so I guess he wanted fed and in and since we didn't do either, he left.

  Well, I guess that was it for yesterday.  I'm not sure what we are going to do today.  We are fogged in again, so we'll probably wait for it to lift and then go wandering again.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Murphy Day 4

Hey everyone,
Day 4 was less dramatic as Scott had work difficulties.  He is going to have to do another Emergency Code Release which involves long hours day and night.  It hit the fan yesterday so we stayed around the house.  I worked on my afghan, did some writing, wrote my blog, and took pictures.  I miss my dogs, but other than that I am having a great time.  Scott is already working and it is supposed to rain here soon, so I'm not sure Day 5 will be any more dramatic than Day 4.  I took some morning pictures that I included in Day 4.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Murphy Day 3

We had a really great day on Wednesday, which is Day 3 of our tripWe started driving to find the Hiwassee dam.  Our first stop ended up being at Cherokee Lake to a picnic area.  We had a good visit there, but I had forgotten my sweater so we ended that early.  Then we drove onto the Hiwassee dam.  A road goes over the top.  The view was fantastic to say the least.  I was not too happy walking out on the bridge, but I survived.  I reminded myself of my Mother and her squealing when Dad would drive too close to the edge of a cliff or something.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Murphy Day 2

Hey everyone,

We had an interesting Day 2 in Murphy.  First, we went down the road to "Historic Murphy".  We wandered around a quaint little town.  It was neat to see all the shops.  I wanted to go into a quilt shop but we were up way too early for the store to be open. 

We drove through town and found this interesting dirt road that we decided to try out.  We found the river (we think it is called Hiwassee)  and a tributary.  We got out and took some great pictures.  If you looked to the top of the cliff, there were some amazing houses up there. 

On Tuesday's there is a really good flea market.  We wandered around for awhile looking for it, then I ended up calling Ray and asking for directions.  His directions were terrific and we ended up at the flea market.  There were a lot of amazing items for sale, but nothing we were looking for.  We did buy some local sorghum.  Scott loves it!  I haven't tried any yet.

We then went to the Ingle's grocery store and got some food for a couple of days.  I love that store.  It has many of my organic things and a wide variety of natural and regular items. 


Here's a link for the day's pictures, hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

on our way to Murphy, NC (Day 1)

Hey all,

We had a good trip out to Murphy, NC.  It was a six hour trip for us.  Scott and I got to talk which was nice.  Last week was very busy for Scott as he had an emergency code release.  He had many phone calls in the middle of the night as well as having full days at work.  He also had a men's retreat over the weekend, so it was good to be able to talk for awhile.

We enjoyed the trip.  I got kind of into the mountain pictures as you will be able to see. 

I was born in Binghamton, NY and spent my first 21 years there.  I would call our area "Nestled in the mountains".  We get here to Murphy and I would call it "Perched on a mountain!" or many mountains.

 Here is the link for day one pictures.  I will try to send out day 2 tomorrow.  We are hoping to go to a local dam and get more pictures tomorrow for Day three.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is the life!

A few weeks ago, Scott and I went down to Murrells Inlet.  At the state park, there is a road to the beach parking.  Often times we will see an alligator, but this day we saw four lined up sunning themselves.  The sign says "no stopping", but we did and got this great picture!

Dad, hopefully this doesn't make you homesick! 


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dwight Schultz

Dwight Schultz is my favorite actor.  I loved him in the A-Team!  Most characters were the same all the time, but not Murdock.  You never knew what he was going to be up too.  He is so talented that he could pull anything off. Then, later he went on to Star Trek's next generation and he was terrific as Barclay and then he went on to Voyager. 

A couple of weekend's ago, Julia went to Atlanta to Dragoncon (Not sure of the spelling).  She went last year and had a blast and was looking forward to this one as well.

When she saw me a few days after, she said "I have a present for you".

I squealed like a teenage girl when I saw the picture.  Julia told him "My Mom loves you!"  She was pretty impressed with him, he was very personable.  I said "Of course he is, he's the best!" 

I took a picture of the picture he signed for me.  I'm not sure how well you'll be able to see it.  It is now posted on my board where I do my writing.  I look up when I'm looking for a word and he's grinning at me!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wanna be sick update

Scott finally got this redone and sent to its owner at the end of April.  It was a long haul for that guitar!  I meant to update you a long time ago.  This one is not my favorite guitar, but she sounds terrific.

Scott is working on a black acacia wood one right now that will be a beauty as well.  Scott bought gold inlays for it and they are fantastic!  I can't wait to get a picture of it for you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scott's latest guitar

This is my favorite, so far, of the guitars Scot has made.  It is a beauty.  Scott discovered sound ports, they are so the player can hear the guitar as well as those listening.  She sounds as beautiful as she looks!



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A First

Scott and I went to Murrells Inlet for the holiday weekend (Labor Day). A first for me, we were chased away from the beach by a bunch of gnats! This has never happened in my whole life! That was our first night there (Thursday). We left Thursday afternoon so we could go to the beach before sundown.

Friday morning, we went again and it was perfect! We stayed a few hours and then went back to Dad's to work on his floor. Friday night there were quite a few mosquitoes, but they didn't chase us away. Saturday night I was ready for anything. Gnats, mosquitoes and cold sea breezes. We stayed till 9:30 and it was gorgeous. Breathing in the sea breezes brings restoration to my soul. I needed more restoration than usual so we stayed out after dark! Sunday morning was awesome. It was cool and cloudy. We stayed till 11:30 and then went and cleaned up and packed to go home.

The welcome home greetings from Bear and Chloe were very loud and excited. Joel was glad we were home as well, but he could contain himself. Julia was gone for the weekend as well and she returned safely last night. (Monday)

I had prepared a picture biography of our trip, but I'm not sure what happened to them. We used Scott's camera as well as mine. When I opened his, there were only the new guitar pictures. I will see if mine retained some pictures and post them later.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

back to Murphy

Scott and I went out to Murphy again.  Mom

and Ray are out for their fall visit early.

We drove on Scott’s birthday.  It was

good to be alone for awhile.  We are

thinking of going out there for a week

just the two of us.  I think it will be good

for us.

This morning as Bear and Chloe and I

Walked, we saw raspberry snow.  It

Was quite amazing as it was 73 degrees out.

I told Mom and Ray I would write better

So here I am. 

I lost my camera for about a month, but it was

Just found.  I’m really excited to have it back.

I will try to take an interesting picture for

Everyone when I write again.

Ray and I took a morning walk together.

It was nothing like my Raleigh walk.

I think we would fare better if we were

Mountain goats!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th

Well, don’t faint or anything, but I’m going to write!

It’s hard to write when things aren’t going the way

you would like them to.

Scott and I went down to Dad’s Winter Haven for the

holiday weekend. It was so nice to be alone together!

We got up early each morning and took a walk on

the beach. I am used to walking Bear and Chloe

each morning, so I wanted to keep up the good

habit. I packed my breakfast and would eat it

in the car. Then, we’d pack up our chairs and

umbrella and go sit and watch the ocean.

We stayed till about 11 and then went to

Chick-Fil-A for a drink and their free internet

access. The service in there is great.

After lunch, we would take a nice nap.

After supper, we went back to the ocean and

stayed till sundown. On the fourth, we saw several

fireworks displays from the beach. We ended up

staying till 9:30 because of the fireworks! That is a late

night for me.

I took some pictures, but that will have to wait.

I figured I’d better write even though my pictures aren’t


Friday, May 22, 2009

Rain, rain go away!

This morning’s headlines said Port Orange has had 22 inches of rain Sunday through Thursday!

I think we’ve had enough!!!!

I got a train ticket up to Florence, SC where Scott is going to pick me up. May 26th will be our 31st wedding anniversary! I can honestly say that Scott is my best friend and my soul mate. We are going to Dad’s Winter Haven to have a few days to ourselves. I love the ocean and truly find restoration in watching the waves. Our God made the ocean and He even cares about me!

Deborah is still hanging on, but I must go home. I hope I’ve been a help to Ray, Mom and Jean.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gecko in a Cactus

I found this Gecko sitting on top of Mom’s cactus’ this morning!

This first picture was during a drought here in Florida.

The second is after three solid days of rain!

I guess I brought NC’s rain with me.  We’ve had so much rain that I wanted to share.

This has been a hard visit. 

My step-sister is not long for this world.

I am feeling everyone’s prayers for me and they are much appreciated!




Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day with everyone!

Elisha is in this picture.  He used a delay setting and ran back to his spot!

We are a funny bunch!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a lovely Mother’s Day.

  Rachel cooked dinner for us at her house.

I got a dozen beautiful yellow roses and the DVD

Popeye with Robin Williams.  That film always makes

Me laugh so hard. 

I love each one of my kids, they are truly a bunch

Of characters and I never laugh so hard as when

They are all together!



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Andy, do you remember?


Do you remember putting that plastic roach or spider in Mom’s bed?

Do you remember coming and telling me when she was about to find it?

Do you remember our excited giggles after she screamed?

Well, I have had something come into my life that reminds me of that.

Joel got for his cats, a pretty big mouse.

You would call it Kharma, I call it the law of reaping what you’ve sown!

The cats leave this thing about anywhere.  I never see them move it, but I always

Find it!  I screech and then remember doing the same thing to our Mother!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

White Petal Snowflakes

As I walked Bear and Chloe last weekend, I looked ahead and it looked like snowflakes on the ground, but it was pear tree blossoms.  It was very breathtaking.  One patch of “snow” was pink!  The dogs seemed to notice too.  They pushed their noses through the flakes.  At that time of the morning, we were the only ones enjoying the beauty. 

I’m feeling much better, but still waking up in the night with a cough.  It is annoying!

Scott’s guitar is doing much better.  I’m thinking that he is almost done.  He is spraying varnish (or whatever the end step is).  The fumes are coming out of our garage again.  Fortunately, it isn’t too smelly.

The kids are all doing well.  Rachel got her hair cut, it’s still long, but it looks very sharp!  Julia went out to UNC Greensboro yesterday.  She was pretty impressed with the campus.  It’s about 90 minutes away.  I’m not sure I’m too happy about her leaving home, but we will see what happens.  Joel will not be taking summer classes this year.  He needs to save up money to pay for his classes in the fall. 

I’ve been babysitting this week.  Aaron and Susannah are on track out for three weeks.  Jen is having to work full time for the next four months, so I have to watch the kids every morning.  She has found other alternatives for their afternoons.  I only have Susannah this morning.  We are going to make cards, so I’d better quit writing.  I realized that I forgot to eat breakfast, so I’d better eat first and then have fun!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Lawrence Livermore Laboratories has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science.
The new element, Governmentium (Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.

Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from four days to four years to
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2- 6 years; It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause
more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.
When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

oh no!

I got a flu and it is turning into bronchitis, so no blogs, calls, etc.  I’ve been in bed.  I’m hoping to be back up soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wanna be sick?

You know I told you that Scott’s latest guitar was about done?  Well, yesterday while I was shopping at the local health food store, he dropped it!  The dogs were asking to come in, so he left in on the worktable.  As he let the dogs in, he heard the terrible crash! 

He’s going to have to take the top off and redo it!  This is a beautiful guitar but it sure has been trouble.




Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hey, everyone!

I’m now on skype. My id is elaine.l.mcneill I have a web-cam so if you have one, we will be able to see each other when we talk. My Dad got me interested in this and we are having a great time with it. I’ve been chatting with him almost every day. It sure does make it easier to keep in touch. It is free when you talk computer to computer.

My sister-in-law just returned from El Salvador. We had her with us for a few days. Now she is at a friend’s house for the remainder of her time in the States.

Julia and Joel are busy with school and work. They come and go. Sometimes, it feels like I’m running a boarding house!

Scott is almost done with his latest guitar. When it is all the way done, I will post a picture of it for you. It is a beauty!!!

It was 24 degrees this morning for my walk. Of course, the dogs were unaffected by the cold. I got this new ski cap thing that covers most of my face so I found the weather much more bearable. I was actually a little too warm, so I pulled the face thing down around my chin. I didn’t have to wear gloves because I was so warm.

I just finished four weeks of babysitting. The kids are back in school for seven weeks. We had hours of fun doing crafts and things, but I am glad to be back on my own.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


On March 7, 1999 Buttons Salgado was born.  She came to live with my step-dad Ray and his first wife Shirley.  I met Buttons right after I met my new step-dad.  She took me into her heart right away.  Mom and Ray just celebrated their second anniversary so I’ve known her a little longer than that.  When I would come to visit, she was so excited to see me again.  I will miss her so much.  I loved to hear her “snuffle” looking for food snacks on the floor.  When she wasn’t snuffling, you could hear her softly snoring.  I can still see her eyes glistening as she would look at me with love.  One time that I was visiting there were a lot of thunder storms and Buttons would not be happy unless she was sitting on my lap.  I think that was the same visit that she growled at a workman that came to the house because he wanted to shake my hand as I was introduced to him.  She was such a loving little soul.  She brought joy to my life and I miss her greatly!

Buttons Salgado March 7, 1999 – January 3, 2009