Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter go away please!

I don't know about you, but I'm about done with winter this year.  We had a winter weather advisory here again this week.  It also looks like we may get another storm next week.  Alright already, we are done with this!  We haven't had it any where near as bad as the north, so I know I shouldn't complain, but I'll complain for all of us instead of just me!

We got a couple of hours of flurries, but nothing serious.  I took some pictures, but it seemed so anti-climatic compared to the northern states that I didn't bother to post any of them. 

I have a new little canon camera so I am playing with that.  It also takes movies which I played with as well.  I love having new gadgets.  I get that naturally from my Dad.  He loves to tinker with new gadgets too!

I got a gift card from Joanne Fabrics from Rachel and Elisha for Christmas, so I decided to go there this morning on the way to get groceries.  I never did get groceries.  I got too hungry so Julia and I stopped and got lunch.  I had a whopper and onion rings, no bun to keep away from my food allergies.  While we were sitting there enjoying our lunch, I decided to go back to Joanne's to get some flannel to make baby quilts with.  They had a 50% off sale on flannel.  Elisha's sister who got married this last summer is expecting her first baby and Janelle a friend of Rachel's is also having her first.  Rachel brought Janelle over to my house to let me teach her about card making.  We all had such a grand time together that I kind of feel like I'm going to be a Grandmother!  I got 2 different fabrics to make nightgowns with and then I'm going to get started on baby quilts. 

Everyone is doing well here.  I had a whopper of a sinus headache this morning, but my decongestant pretty well took care of that. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birds at my feeder

I got these two pictures while sitting at my window.  I wasn't sure what they were so I looked them up. 

I got up early this morning and yesterday and the temperature was 39 degrees, it was a real heat wave!  I don't have to wear my big coat when it is that temperature.  It took about ten minutes less time to get outfitted to walk.  Tomorrow rain is coming and maybe some snow also them temp. is going back down to 20 so I will have to wear my coat again. 

I'm trying to think if anything else exciting has happened and I don't think it has, so I'll close.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22.10

Trying out a new font size to see if this will turn out better.

You will notice that a lot of my pictures are of Bear or Chloe.  That is because they are my best friends and are always around when I take my camera out!

I got a new bird feeder.  It is made out of recycled plastics and is very sturdy.  The birds are enjoying it and I am enjoying the fact that it will not fall apart like my wood ones have.

My thyroid was in normal parameters and I'm starting to feel human again.  I'm not sure what the long funk was about, but I'm glad it is over.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Picasa Web Albums - Elaine - final phase 1 kitchen


I cleaned the kitchen all up on Monday so that I could take pictures.  When I took out the camera, the battery had died and I didn't know how to change it.  Scott showed me the process tonight so now I am all set to do it by myself.  (Wednesday)

We are probably going to change the paint color in a few weeks.  We are also going to do a tile backsplash in the future.  Also, I want some more lighting put in, probably around the same time as the tile backsplash. 

I got myself a little netbook so I can travel better on the train.  I am so happy with it.  Right now, it is sitting in the kitchen.  My desk has my other laptop so I can do our paperwork and some writing when I have the chance.  My laptop bag was so heavy the last time I took the train that I vowed I would have a netbook before I took it again.  It is much lighter to say the least.

Everyone is well here.  I got my thyroid levels checked today, so I will hear what needs to change by tomorrow.  Then, I can feel free to take the train.  My favorite Aunt and Uncle are going to Mom and Ray's on March 7th for a few weeks and I hope to be able to see them on this trip.  I need to get my netbook set up to transfer pictures so that I am ready.  Last time I forgot to take any pictures of them and I felt really bummed about that.  I am also looking forward to meeting Mandi, a new Boston that joined the family a couple of months ago.

Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Misc. news

I thought I had pictures of the kitchen all finished (phase 1) but I didn't so I will have to repost again soon.  Scott's weekend job ended up being that weekend, then all week, and then this last weekend.  The kitchen looks so nice.  We don't think we have the right color for the kitchen so we'll wait a few weeks to give Scott a break and then maybe try again.  The color is a little on the peachy side and doesn't quite work.  Our bonus money ran out, but we plan on fancying up the cupboards and putting some more lighting in the kitchen, that will be phase two.

We'd like to tile the bathroom floors some time.  It shouldn't cost so much and also Scott will be able to do that himself as it is a smaller project. 

I have not been eating the way I should so I've had this horrible hive patch for six months.  I decided a week ago to go back to behaving.  It's been a challenge with everyone having so much fun with chips and dip!  My hive patch is now much better.  It was a bright cherry red and now it is a fading brownish color.  I will probably have a scar from it, when it heals up.  I am not missing the itching at all. 

Joel is doing much better.  He's able to be back to work and school.  His memory isn't functioning well, so he may have to drop a course from his school load.  The neurologist is taking him off of the extra medicines that were for the migraines.

Sorry for the delay on the pictures.  I downloaded all the ones I had taken and there were none of it completed!  I will try to get them to you soon.