Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kitchen remodel and some storm pictures

I'm feeling a little better finally from bronchitus.  I'm still having coughing fits but they are much farther in between. 

Scott and I ended up washing down our new tile floors since we had a snow storm and the tile guys couldn't get here to clean them up.  They left the stuff for us because everyone could see that the storm was coming.  The stove will go back in its place tomorrow (Sunday).  Church has been cancelled because the roads won't be safe till Monday sometime.  Monday we will be able to put the fridge back in its place.  Scott is working on three different projects plus painting the walls before we put the appliances back.  Also, he needs to take down the wall paper border before he can paint.  He has a few more projects to do than he has weekend!

Julia and Joel's work was closed today so we don't have to worry about them driving in all this mess.  They were called to go in yesterday and they rode together.  They were sent home before the roads were bad.

I got extra bird seed when I went shopping yesterday.  I am having lots of fun watching the birds.  I had several that I hadn't seen before so I had to get the bird book out to identify them.  One was my goldfinch, but I didn't know he had a different color for winter!  I also had a purple finch which I hadn't seen before.  He's a winter bird here.  I still have one that I'm trying to figure out. 

I am more than ready to have my kitchen put back together.  It was a long week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

end of an era

Today the kitchen counter top is being replaced.  It is truly the end of an era!  I took pictures of the new cabinet under the sink and the last time I had to bleach the stupid counter tops.  I am not going to post them yet.

I have bronchitus and am feeling like trash, so it's a wonder that you are hearing from me. 

Joel is much better.  The x-ray showed that the pneumonia is almost gone.  He went to school yesterday after missing his first week of school.

Julia turned 23 yesterday!  I took a picture of her cake which I will post when I post the kitchen pictures. 

The kitchen floor is supposed to go in next Monday and Tuesday so I may post all the pictures together. 

I am looking forward to having my kitchen put back together. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


You know that it has been cold when I wake up and check the weather and my response is "Goodie, It's 22 degrees and it feels like 22 degrees!" 

The dogs are happy because we went on our walk!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Scott took a picture of me in the backyard Saturday after walking the dogs in this bitter cold.  I thought you might like to see my outfit for such an adventure.  I haven't braved the elements since then.  Monday morning it said "It feels like 10 degrees" on my weather page and I said "I don't think so!"  I didn't walk this morning either when it said it felt like 13 degrees.  Maybe tomorrow I will be braver.  The dogs are being too busy in the house, so I'd better get them out tomorrow.

I have started taking down the Christmas things.  The tree is still up because I can't find the coil thingy to wrap the lights up with.  The process took me to the back storage cubby, which now looks very nice.  The front cubby is still a disaster.  I was going to work on that today but Joel caught a bad cold and is unable to help me.  He carries the heavy stuff to a place where I can organize it.  Then, he carries it back and I put it where it belongs.

Scott stained the new cupboard and put the doors back on.  I haven't taken a picture of it yet.  We told the counter top guy which granite we wanted and he is going to come make a template of the kitchen.  About a week after that he will come and install it.  I'm still hoping the flooring guy won't be bothered by the counter guys.  It could get interesting!

Rachel came for the morning, so we had a really nice visit.  Her school starts next week, so she won't be able to visit much till spring semester is over.