Thursday, April 29, 2010


After I made breakfast this morning, I realized that I didn’t feel well.  Joel has now come down with bronchitis and I think I may be getting it.  Sore throat and breathing trouble.  Will post when I’m better!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st

Monday our homegroup went to Maitlyn Betts’ soccer game.  She is a senior this year and they were honoring the seniors and their parents.  Bill and Monta brought blankets and seat things for us.  We were totally clueless as to what we would need.  We have watched Maitlyn grow up before our eyes, so it was special to share this with her and her family.  I didn’t know that her Dad could cheer so loudly!

I got some pictures of their bushes while we were waiting to follow them to the game.

I also got a great picture of the moon after the game was done.

I hope you enjoy!

We are all doing well except for Joel.  He has a viral infection and is miserable.  I got a mole off the back of my neck but that wasn’t painful, just itchy now that it is healing.

I had a fun day of card making today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th

I haven’t died or anything, but with all this pollen I wish I could have a few times.  I’ve never taken so much allergy medicine in my life.  Itchy eyes, itchy throat, sneezing, coughing and general feelings of misery pretty well describes it!

When I went to put my pictures in Picasa, I found that I had collected 77!  That’s pretty well unheard of because I always write in my blog and take the pictures off.  I had some pictures of my last day with Mom and Ray.  I watched this mallard pair swim right to me from a ways off.  I had no idea they were coming to see me till they got out of the pond in front of me and then proceeded to walk up the grass and stand in front of me.  I played with the movie feature of the camera and got them walking around a little bit, but it wasn’t worth posting on youtube. 

After I got home, the pollen came and I haven’t done much of anything.  I did finish my second baby quilt.  I had the same blocks, but I picked a different pattern for the blocks.  I’m not sure that I like it as well, but it did turn out nicely. 

I’ve made a few hankies as well, but they weren’t good enough to photograph.  I’m having a hard time mastering the rolled hem foot that I bought.  I have added about 8 hankies to my own collection.  I was hoping to sell some, but if I never get good enough at it I will have a good amount of hankies.

When I was waiting for my Joann’s Fabric store to open a goose walked right in front of the store and kind of looked into the window.  I laughed to myself and said he must want to go shopping too!  Then, I remembered I had my camera so I got a picture of him.  I’m not sure where he was heading too, but he seemed to know. 

Well, I’m sorry I haven’t written in such a long time but I hope this fills in the gap a little.