Tuesday, October 27, 2009

trip to Murrells Inlet

Scott and I went down to Murrells Inlet on Friday.  Dad and Joan arrived on Wednesday, so we wanted to see them.  Also, Scott had a project on the house that he wanted to finish. 

We had a good visit.  I told Joan my desire to start quilting.  She's worked on some, so she helped answer some of my questions.  She took me to a quilting store and we had a blast looking at all the fabric, tools, etc.  I had to smack my hand to keep me from buying too much stuff.  I ended up getting a small book that had patterns for some beautiful things.  Dad and Scott talked web pages and guy stuff.

Scott and I did our famous miss your road trick because we were talking and didn't see it!  We never seem to go the same way home because we get to talking.

We got home and Mike was visiting Julia, so I got a picture of the two of them. 

Last year we found a baby possum at our feeder, but we couldn't get a picture of him.  He came back yesterday and Scott went out and got pictures of him.  It's amazing that he's still alive since he's so stupid.  He just wandered across the deck rail and let Scott take his picture!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Oops, I forgot Day 6

Ray and Mom called me this afternoon. We were looking at my pictures online and I noticed that I had forgotten Saturday's wanderings (Day 6). Sorry this is out of order!

Scott and I wandered around for quite awhile. We were looking for Ruby Falls, but couldn't find it. At the end of our wanderings, we saw that it was in Chattanooga, TN so there was no way we were going to stumble onto it.

We stopped into the local Chamber of Commerce and talked with a nice lady there who gave us a lot of pamphlets with free things to do. We decided to do the River Walk. At first, it seemed a little more rustic than I would like but then it turned out to be very nice.

The riverbed was all different layers of stone. Scott picked up a stone that we brought home. It looks like gold pyrite. We wanted to have someone take our picture, but there was no one around. You should have heard the laughing going on. It was a miracle, but we did get a picture of ourselves.

We saw a praying mantis. Scott's camera was able to get a good close-up of him. I accidentally kicked a turtle over, but forgot to get his picture. I'm sure he had enough surprises for one day when I sent him rolling. It sounded like I kicked a tupperware bowl onto the sidewalk, that was the clue that I had done something.

There were places for picnicking that we stopped and took pictures from. It took us an hour and a half, but we didn't get all the way around because of all the picture taking opportunities.

The weather was perfect and we had a restful day together.


Posted By Elaine's View Point to Elaine's View Point at 10/05/2009 12:54:00 PM

Murphy and home

We had a gorgeous last night in Murphy and the morning was just as spectacular.  We got up early, packed and cleaned the house up.  We left the house at 8:15, but didn't leave town till 9:15.  Stopping to get gas and ice for the cooler and some large beef bones for the dogs, took an hour.  I'll have to take some pictures of the dogs today with their bones!

We were driving along the scenic part of 74 and I yelled "stop, stop, STOP"  Scott pulled over and said "What is it?"  I said there's some beautiful water down there.  I got up and stood by the rail and took pictures.  I looked over to see Scott climbing over the rail and down to the edge!  I couldn't see him for a few minutes so I got pictures of the signs at the overlook.  It was a little chilly with the mist from the water and the breeze that was blowing.  We've really gotten into the picture taking thing.  Scott is going to buy a good camera for his guitar selling processes, so we'll have a really good camera after awhile. 

Our trip home was uneventful.  Scott drove till lunch and I drove the rest of the way.  He was working on his work stuff.  This week is going to be stressful for him. 

The dogs were ecstatic that we were home.  Joel gave them baths an hour before we got home so they were damp when we arrived.




Saturday, October 3, 2009

Murphy Day 5

Yesterday (Day 5) like I said in Day 4 was not impressive like the other days.  Scott worked all day on his ECR.  I got a lot done on my afghan.  I did my blog, took a few pictures and watched Stargate on my laptop.

  It was cold and drizzly in the morning.  I bundled up and stood out under the covered porch and enjoyed the view.  My view that I have from home is five houses with their various assortments of dogs, plus all the birds that come to my feeders.  I enjoy my view at home, but this view is a lot more spectacular.

 We just had a squirrel walk across the deck railing.  He was the first one we've seen here.  He is scrawny.  My squirrels are nice, plump and healthy looking because they eat my bird seed.  I tried feeding them squirrel seed, but they wanted bird seed so that is what I feed them too.  The birds eat out of the squirrel feeders as well as their own, so I don't feel to upset by it.  My dogs get their exercise by chasing the squirrels so it all works out.

 The cat never returned so I guess he wanted fed and in and since we didn't do either, he left.

  Well, I guess that was it for yesterday.  I'm not sure what we are going to do today.  We are fogged in again, so we'll probably wait for it to lift and then go wandering again.




Friday, October 2, 2009

Murphy Day 4

Hey everyone,
Day 4 was less dramatic as Scott had work difficulties.  He is going to have to do another Emergency Code Release which involves long hours day and night.  It hit the fan yesterday so we stayed around the house.  I worked on my afghan, did some writing, wrote my blog, and took pictures.  I miss my dogs, but other than that I am having a great time.  Scott is already working and it is supposed to rain here soon, so I'm not sure Day 5 will be any more dramatic than Day 4.  I took some morning pictures that I included in Day 4.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Murphy Day 3

We had a really great day on Wednesday, which is Day 3 of our tripWe started driving to find the Hiwassee dam.  Our first stop ended up being at Cherokee Lake to a picnic area.  We had a good visit there, but I had forgotten my sweater so we ended that early.  Then we drove onto the Hiwassee dam.  A road goes over the top.  The view was fantastic to say the least.  I was not too happy walking out on the bridge, but I survived.  I reminded myself of my Mother and her squealing when Dad would drive too close to the edge of a cliff or something.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.
