Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26 - Elaine - Picasa Web Albums

Scott and I just returned from a weekend away.  We had a great time.  I’ll call this the trip of the moon because I had so many pictures of the moon.  The last trip was the trip of the crabs.  We didn’t see many of them this time.  The moon was something else.  I had 92 pictures on my camera, but I only picked a couple to show you.

It is nice to be alone, just the two of us.  We have two adult children in the home, so we still enjoy our time away. 

We were greeted lavishly by Bear and Chloe. 

We got a new toy before we left, so now we can have internet away from the house.  It was great to be able to check e-mail and the weather as well.  The weather was HOT!  It was 80 degrees this morning at 5:30!  I think we will have a few days of the low 90’s instead of the 100 degree stuff we’ve had this last week.  It’s bad when your daughter says, it’ll only be 90!

Well, I’m running slow this morning, so I’d better get to my work!  Enjoy the pictures!