Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26th

Today is a day of infamy for Scott and I.  It is our 32nd wedding anniversary!  We always joke about maybe we should go ahead and get married, but say “No, we are having too much fun”

Marriage has been a journey.  The first years are getting to know each other better.  Then, the kids started coming.  We had four altogether.  They added to our love.  We discovered even more about ourselves through taking care of the four souls that were loaned to us to raise.  Sometimes they taught us things as well as us trying to teach them things.

  We were moving around a lot during our first years and it was just Scott and I.  It was a good time.  We saw many different places and made many friends along the way.  After the kids started coming, we were glad for the time with just him and me.  Raising kids took a long time too, but now all our kids are adults and a new era has come to be.  We still have the younger two at home, but that won’t be for much longer and then we’ll be empty nesters.  I am not sad about that.  I’m ready for “just us” again.  I am lucky to say that Scott is my best friend and he is also my husband, the light of my life. I would be lost without him and I think he would be lost without me too.  I am so blessed to have married such a wonderful man!  Happy Anniversary to us!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12th

I’m so glad that I didn’t have bronchitis,  I just had a flu fortunately.  I stayed in bed for about 24 hours and managed to get back to life in a couple of days.  I don’t have any pictures for you today.

At our homegroup on Monday night, we had a pizza party.  As usual, we had a blast.  I always laugh a lot when we get together.  I made pizza (for myself) from my Pamela’s wheat and gluten free mix.  It made “pizza” a lot closer to real pizza.  I am still dealing with hives.  The pharmacist said to take an anti-histimine for three months, so I’m going to try that out.  I am doing a little better.

Julia and Joel are officially done with school till the fall semester.  It will make their lives a little easier.  Rachel was done last week.

Chloe was sick all day yesterday.  I’m not sure if something she ate from the yard was poisoned or what.  She is much better today.

We have had a few days of cool weather.  I have enjoyed it immensely.  Unfortunately, the heat comes back tomorrow.

I brought my little netbook outside on the deck and it inspired me to write to let you all know how I’m doing.  The wind is gusting to 20 mph, so my umbrella is flopping around a little.  The jets are jiggling as they descend to the airport.  The birds all look unruffled and my dogs are grinning!