Sunday, December 14, 2008

November went by!

I was in Florida with my Mother and Ray for the last week of October.  I had a very special visit.  Ray and I had a date and went to a neat old hotel,  you can see the pictures in the file contained here.  I got so that whenever we went out, I took my camera because I would miss unique pictures without it. 


The first few pictures are of Cookie and I can’t remember what breed she is.  She was hysterically funny.  Ray and I were supposed to let her out because my new sister and her husband were gone for the day.  Ray took me over for the second visit so that I could see her.  She was excited to see me, but didn’t want to cooperate to go outside.  Ray asked me to grab her leash, which meant to her that we were going on the golf cart!  We weren’t going on the golf cart and she wasn’t going anywhere except for the golf cart!  I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!  She isn’t very tall, but you can’t make her do what you want her to do. 


I got home in time for Halloween.  I enjoyed giving out candy to the neighborhood kids.


Then came my birthday.  It was very weird.  Some birthdays are like that.  We had my sister in law with us for the week, as she was moving to El Salvador to do medical missions.  The next week I babysat my extra kids and came down with a cold from that.  It was a miserable cold.  I was in bed for nine days.  Then, it was Thanksgiving and we went to PA for a few days.  We had a good visit with Scott’s mom and dad.  We got home from that and November was over!  It was a weird month.  I’m glad most months are not like that one was.


I have missed writing on here, so hopefully December will go better!